Church/Ministry Web Pages

Church The following are some suggested pages to consider when creating church or ministry websites. Some pages may not be relevant to your situation.

  • Home – Main page
  • Who We Are – A description of the church or ministry.
  • Mission – Mission of the church or ministry.
  • Pastor – A description of the pastor.
  • Map – A map to the church.
  • Contact Us – Name, address, e-mail address, phone numbers and message from visitor.
  • Announcements - Each ministry has its own list of announcements for members to see. Ministry leaders can post announcements with expiration dates so they are automatically deleted when no longer needed. The announcements can also be set to never expire.
  • Discussions - Ministry Lay Leaders can create any number of discussion topics for members of the ministry to participate in. The leader posts the topic and members of the group can participate in the discussion by adding there own comments.
  • Newsletter – Church newsletters.
  • Calendar – Church calendar.
  • Devotions
  • Prayer Requests
  • Daily Prayers
  • Special Prayers
  • Documents – for downloading or uploading.
  • Sunday School
  • Teen Bible Study
  • Adult Bible Study
  • Sermons – audio, video, and text display.
  • Church Directory
  • Photo Albums
  • Help Wanted - Ministry leaders can post want ads in this section to recruit members to their ministries or groups.
  • General News
  • Music and Radio
  • Choir Songs
  • Christian Music Albums
  • Christian Radio Stations
  • Polls
  • Articles
  • Links – Links to other sites.
  • Search – Search the site.
  • Sitemap – A page that shows the visitor all the pages on the site.

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