Music Web Pages

Music The following are some suggested pages to consider when creating music websites. Some pages may not be relevant to your situation.

  • Home – Main page.
  • Music – With albums, music samples, and ordering options.
  • Store – A link to the online store.
  • News – General news about the site and musicians.
  • News Feeds – News from news feeds.
  • Events – Upcoming and past gigs and events.
  • Maps – Addresses and maps to gigs.
  • Photos – Photo galleries.
  • Slideshows
  • Bio – Biography of artist or band.
  • Contact – Name, address, e-mail address, phone numbers and message from visitor.
  • Mailing List – For emails and newsletters.
  • Comments – Comments made about the artist or group – entered by the artist or group.
  • Guestbook – Online guestbook where people can leave comments.
  • Videos – Online videos of the artist or band performing, misc.
  • Links – Links to other sites.
  • Song List – A list of songs that the artist or band plays.
  • Song Samples – Samples of songs the artist or band plays at gigs.
  • Radio Stations – a page with links to radio stations.
  • Search – Search the site.
  • Sitemap – A page that shows the visitor all the pages on the site.

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